What they don't tell you about science...

...is that the main skill required to be a good scientist is frustration tolerance. It's not intelligence, it's not reading or programming or mathematics, no, it's your ability to resist having a mental breakdown when stupid shit happens. I'm not saying the other stuff isn't important, it's just that this is the main one.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
O is talking to P.
O: Why do you always smell like lemons recently?
P: Oh, we have a certain ... pest ... at home. Don’t worry about it.
Panel 2:
O: Anyways, I need your professional opinion. I came across a certain challenge that you probably solved already in your work. Can you tell me what to do if I ...
P: Duct tape.
Panel 3:
O: Wow! That ... might actually do it. But ... how did you know ...
P: That sound of months of my work smashing to the ground was quite audible, frankly...