Yes, you've seen correctly

There is a "1" behind the title of this comic. What could this possibly mean? Your knowledge of Arabic numerals and the act of numbering things is as good as mine.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
G and H, in a video call, as usual. The descent into chaos proceeds.
H: I’ve been watching a lot of romantic movies lately. I thought it might make me less lonely, but it only made me sad. Did you ever love someone?
Panel 2:
G: Nope, but I know love is just a made up construct. I know all there is to know. No need to experience it anymore.
H: Do you know about Mary’s room?
Panel 3:
Mary was a brilliant scientist. She was sitting in a black an white room, studying the world on a black and white monitor. Very much like us.
Panel 4:
However, Mary specializes in neurophysiology of vision.
She learns everything there is to know about seeing colors.
Panel 5:
G: Wait, what are ... colors?
Panel 6:
H: I ... I guess ... I have no idea.
Wait ...
Where did I read this again?