Can you relate?

If you are suffering from social anxiety, please don't feel like I'm making fun of you. I, too, stopped ordering from a pizza place once, because the delivery driver was too talkative. I was really uncomfortable talking on the phone and went to great lengths to avoid unnecessary interactions with strangers.

I managed to pull myself out, simply by practising. I progressively stepped out of my comfort zone, just a little. Just a few small interactions with strangers, a few moments of self discipline, was all it took for me. I realise that there might be more severe cases, though. If you are really suffering from it and can't just pull yourself out, there's no shame in getting help.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
G and H are sitting on H's bed.
G: You know, you should really do something about that social anxiety of yours.
H: Oh, come on, it’s not that bad.
G: No? Tell me about your favorite Chinese place!
Panel 2:
Empty boxes of Chinese food litter the ground.
H: Oh, they're soooo good, I can’t get enough of their deep fried, dough covered, sweet, sour, spicy...
G: Aaaand, why do you not order there anymore?
Panel 3:
H: Last time I ordered there, the delivery driver asked me how I was doing.
G: q. e. d.