There's nothing to be afraid of

Don't be afraid of any part of yourself. If there's something you're scared to think about, don't just run away from it forever. Take a walk. Don't take your phone. Don't listen to music. Walk through a quiet place where you meet as few people as possible. A forest works great. The thought, feeling, topic, issue or whatever it is that you're suppressing will try to get your attention. Give it that attention. Personify it and have a conversation with it. You don't have to agree with it but take it seriously. Just like you were trying to fix a friendship that has been broken. Because that is exactly what you should do. Be friends with yourself.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
Prof. Owl is eating a big ice cream bowl with strawberries and little spiders
Panel 2:
G and H appear.
H: Aha! I knew I’d find you here. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been looking for you?
O: shocked Well, ... I ... listen I don’t really...
Panel 3:
H: You know what? Forget about it. It doesn’t matter. It never mattered. Life is meaningless, and here is the proof. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.
Panel 4:
O looks at the paper. H steps aside, looking sad. G walks off to buy ice cream.
Panel 5:
G, H and O are all eating ice cream as O is talking.
O: That’s the third time I see a paper like this. It’s really funny how that get’s proven every few decades. Still, it somehow never gets published. People don’t take it well. I didn’t either, until I found out that life being meaningless is really more of a relief than a burden. If nothing you do matters in the long run, you can do whatever you want! However, be aware that this applies just to your goals, not your actions. You still have to pick your actions wisely to achieve your goals, but you can freely pick your goals. If you don’t know what to pick, trust your feelings and the people around you. Your mind is merely a tool. Keeping it sharp is important to pick the right actions, but it is useless when trying to find goals. Oh, and no, you can’t have an extension on your thesis.