Next time I meet someone far left ...

... I'll tell them: "Oh, you think capitalism is the worst thing ever? We could also have an economic system where all assets are subspaces of ℝ³ which are rotated via transactions with quaternion money and you have to watch out that none of your degrees of freedom get locked up in hyper-prison. Wouldn't like that, would you? Guess capitalism isn't the worst thing after all."

That'll show them.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
G and H are at their usual table, a board game lying in front of them.
G: I found this game. I read that it was used by the government on people sceptical of capitalism.
H: Monopoly?
G: Not just Monopoly, but 3D Monopoly!
Panel 2:
G and H start playing 3D Monopoly
G: Oh no, I rolled (2,8,5) and landed in your subspace of Virginia Avenue.
H: Nice! that’ll be ... hang on ... 250 + 100i + 10j + 5k in rent. Wow, quaternion money sucks.
Panel 3:
5 hours later: G and H look very exhausted
H: That was terrible.
G: Yup, can’t wait to get back to regular capitalism.
H: Yeah, maybe capitalism isn’t so bad after all.