Eat more weird things!

There's lots of potential, especially when crossing cultural borders. Here are some pretty dumb ideas I just made up, that you could try at your own risk:

  • Tortilla chips with apple sauce
  • A cheeseburger, but with Chinese crispy duck instead of the patty.
  • French toast tikka masala
  • Pierogi filled with kebab meat
  • Pumpkin spice sushi

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
H is at a bar, being shouted at, by a very angry duck.
D: You are a sick individual! People like you should be sliced up, breaded and deep fried!
Panel 2:
G is sitting next to H.
G: Whoa, what was that all about?
H: Dunno, I just told them I like pineapple on pizza. I guess some people just can’t accept that others have different tastes.
Panel 3:
G: I know, right? You have no idea how often I get called a degenerate, when I tell people that I like my pizza with pickles, oysters, and espresso beans.