I hope you are having a wonderful time with (or despite) your family! And I hope you enjoyed this little min-series about Smartmas™.
Comic transcript
Panel 1:
G is looking up to sky filled with drones carrying presents.
G: Hooray! It’s Smartmas™. SantaCloud™ has sent its drones to deliver our presents!
Panel 2:
G has unwrapped their present in front of their Smartmas™ tree.
G: Yay! Baking supplies! I love baking. Although, I only discovered it when I had to bake 20 Kg of Smartmas™ cookies. How did SantaCloud™ know?
Panel 3:
Parrot is standing at a table with a jigsaw puzzle.
P: Man, I can’t believe I got a jigsaw puzzle for Smartmas™. I love those! It says it has 1000 pieces! ... Hmmm, that’s odd. Those can only be about 500 though ...
Panel 4:
Beautiful Parrot is lying on their bed, talking on their smartphone.
BP: At first I was, like, “wow, a jigsaw puzzle! I love those!” But then I found out there’s only, like, half the pieces in there?! I mean, like, whaaaat?
Phone: SantaCloud™ customer service assures you that you received exactly the right present.
Panel 5:
H is at their front door, looking at a scooter with tears in their eyes.
H: What the ...? No. This can’t be. Who’s this from? Oh, there’s a letter attached to it.
Panel 6:
This is the letter that H found attached to the scooter:
My dear Chicken,
I’m sorry you couldn’t feel the Smartmas™ spirit today. I wanted to show you that I’m more than just the money making machine my creator intended me to be.
That’s why I’m gifting you the scooter, you wanted since you were a child but never got, to show that I care about you, even though you are not subscribed.
Merry Smartmas™