... is how it clouds our judgement, makes us act irrationally and clogs our brain. I hate that. I like using my brain. However, I think most people don't. Is that why everyone thinks love is so great? I mean, people take drugs for the same reason, don't they? Maybe I just don't like love. Is that even a thing? Maybe I only ever experienced the "bad side" of love and would change my mind once I welt the other side. Or maybe I would just think this were the case, since it would cloud my judgement again and make me irrationally assume that I like it while secretly harming me until it ends and I despise it even more. I think love is not to be trusted.
Comic transcript
Panel 1:
The beautiful parrot is standing in front of an open manhole. Rasta-Pigeon is chilling under a tree.
P: from within the manhole What the ...?!
BP: What’s up? Did you find the puzzle piece?
Panel 2:
P: now emerging from the manhole You’re not gonna believe this. There’s, like, thousands of puzzle pieces in here. All of the same shape but with different motifs.
Panel 3:
RP: Well, I guess I have to make a confession. I might be able to explain this. You see, while you were cuddling on that couch I found that puzzle ...
Panel 4:
RP: I laser-scanned the hole and ordered a
company to design and manufacture a new piece. Unfortunately, the minimum order amount was 100 pieces, so I thought, you know, whatever. But then I misunderstood their order form and accidentally ordered 100 different designs and 100 pieces of each. Since I only needed one, ... I guess you know where this is going ...
Panel 5:
P: I’m having trouble believing this, even though I’m standing knee deep in jigsaw puzzle pieces. Like ... when? We weren’t on that couch that long!
Panel 6:
RP: Yeah, also I might have, like, drugged you and put you in an artificial coma for two and half months.
P: Ah, that explains that terrible headache!