I got a terrible cold and still feel kinda bad, so I didn't feel like progressing the story. Also, I really wanted to do something with Prof. Owl again, as it's been quite a while since they last showed up. I have no idea, though, if it is funny or if it even makes sense. I feel like my brain is leaking out of my nose ...
Comic transcript
Panel 1:
Prof. Owl is on the phone.
O: Ah! Dean, thank you for calling me back. So, as you’ve probably heard, I got accepted for an open position at Birdhamas University. They offer me more funds and two additional full time employees. Now, I don’t want to leave, but ...
Panel 2:
O: ... what? ... yes, I know that is quite far away ... no ... no, I do enjoy playing badminton with you, but ... sheesh, calm down ... no ... hold it together ... this is nothing personal ... no, it’s not something you’ve said or done that ... wait, are you crying?
Panel 3:
O: What? No, I don’t ... look, I don’t think it is a good idea to give up your position as the dean, to come with me to the Birdhamas ... no, I don’t actually want to go ... yes, I know there’s nice beaches there, but ... you really want to? ... oh no, what have I done?