Your life is staged!

The lizard people have actually planned this thousands of years ago. They are an ancient civilization of space farers that are looking for a new home planet after theirs got destroyed in a supernova. They found that planet earth was almost habitable for them, albeit just a few degrees to cold. Lucky for them, the planet was inhabited by a species of primitive primates. Humans. Which, in case you didn't know, is us.

They provided humanity with the technology to use the fossil fuel reserves found on planet earth to create greenhouse gas emissions that, in the long term, would make it uninhabitable for humans but provide the right conditions for the lizard people to strive. They built a pyramid under the arctic ice to hide until their plan came to fruition. From there, they are meddling with human politics, making sure that humanity continues their terraforming business.

The governments of the world know. They are silenced, as the lizards provide them with technology to control their population like mind control chemicals for chemtrails, micro chips to be inserted as vaccines, microwave weapons and satellite mounted laser beams. The caste of the rich feasts on the adrenochrome they extract from human children sent to them from poor countries in exchange for more mind control technology.

Now you might be saying: Are you insane???

To which I say: yes. But also, if you seriously consider even the remote possibility that any of this is true, you're clearly more insane than me. And I'm aware that most of you probably don't, which is a good thing.

But consider this: Is believing all that nonsense above really more far fetched than thinking that the world was created in seven days by and almighty being? That someone can split the ocean to let their people pass? That people get reborn as ants or rocks if they don't live after some arbitrary moral code? Humans believe things, because they provide explanations to thing they cannot explain themselves and answer questions that humans can't answer themselves.

It's not *what* people believe, or how common it is, or how ridiculous it seems, that makes them a good or a bad person. It's their moral code determining their actions that matters. You can justify some really shitty stuff with Christianity, Islam or even Buddhism. But on the other hand, I believe you can also be a pretty good human while believing some totally bonkers nonsense.

But no matter who you are or what you believe, you need to understand the fact that the world has grown too diverse for you to have the luxury to interact exclusively with believers of the same faith. If you want to participate in society, you *have* to interact with other people who believe different things than you do. So I'm not saying you should take anything anyone else believes seriously, try to understand them or even choose them over your own. Stick to your belief and hold it dear. But do look past the believes of other people and see the humans behind them. You might just discover that absolutely none of them are lizards.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
Two ducks, wearing tin foil hats, are talking.
D1: Hi there, fellow enlightened person. Have you heard the newest tactics of the new world order lizards? They are telling people climate change was solved, although it clearly isn’t. They are making us terraform our own planet, so they can invade ...
Panel 2:
D2: Hang on a second! Didn’t we use to think that climate change wasn’t real in the first place?
Panel 3:
Both ducks stare at each other in shock.
Panel 4:
D1 and D2: The government has placed a fake memory in our heads!
After that they keep shouting random conspiracy words at each other.