What side are you on?

I mean, the people in the kitchen have a much better standing in this conflict. First of all, they have the whole fridge with all the drinks in it and they controlled the whole box of beer. They also heave more power to fight with, like, kitchen knives are quite dangerous. What would the people from the hallway do? Suffocate someone with a jacket? Those things are often even breathable! So the hallway people are clearly the underdogs.

On the other hand, the people in the hallway took the beers hostage in a quite brutal manner. They even smashed some, fully on purpose, and they're even proud of it. You might say that was just that one guy who is way too drunk, but the others are still hanging out with that guy. Some are even celebrating them for it. Still, you can't judge them all for it, because there's not really a good way out of this conflict and life in the hallway was really rough, even before the war started.

If you're hoping to resolve the conflict at its root, you should read up on the axiom of choice. It's completely pointless to disagree about it, it's only a matter of definition, so these two factions are mainly fighting each other for the purpose of fighting each other. They're so in love with their hate for each other that they will not let go of it.

So I can tell you what side I'm on. I'm on my own side. I'm hanging out in the living room and want as little to do with this as possible. As with most conflicts, it only gets worse the more outside actors get involved. I know it's difficult to ignore perfectly good bottles of beer being smashed, but getting emotionally attached yourself will only pull you into the conflict. So chill out in the living room, drink what's left of the punch and wait. Wait until one of the sides is actually ready to end this conflict. And be kind to everyone who also decides they don't want anything to do with it anymore. No matter what side they were on before.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
Still at the party, Parrot is talking to G, H and Rasta-Pigeon.
P: Hope you don’t need any ice cubes, because I completely lost control over the conflict between kitchen and hallway. But don’t worry, there’s a humanitarian corridor to the bathroom.
G: Man, what’s this conflict about
P: It’s ... complicated
Panel 2:
The ducks from the kitchen have a barricade out of kitchen furniture, pots and pans. The ducks from the hallway have a barricade out of bags, jackets and coat racks.
D1 (kitchen): Give the bottles of beer you’re holding hostage back to the people of the kitchen immediately!
Algebra audiobook: ... for every vector space, the basis is defined as ...
D2 (kitchen): AHA! Every vector space! The voice agrees that every vector space has a basis.
D3 (hallway): Then Banach Tarski yourselves some beers, you axiom-of-choice-believing heathens!