The cat is out of the bag now

so that's Rasta-Pigeon's dark secret. I hope you are enjoying this little continuous plot. There is more to come for sure!

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
Anchorbird, a new character, is bringing the news.
A: Our main story: A recent study by Scientists at Bird University shows that life is meaningless. We will now have an exclusive interview with the main author of the paper.
Panel 2:
A picture of an eerily familiar pigeon is shown in the background.
A: Dr. Pigeon, has your discovery impacted your life in any way?
R: Nah, I’m fine ... what was this about again?
Panel 3:
Rasta-Pigeon is sitting among lots of lemon squirrels, talking on the phone, crying and sobbing.
R: aight ... yeah, wouldn’t worry about it too much, man ... yeah ... yeah it’s all about the experiences, man ... yeah love “definitely” has meaning ... sob
P: casually walking by Hey, who’s on the phone?