There is a genus of fungi called Pandora

Unfortunately there is almost no information about it on Wikipedia, so had I made a joke about it, I don't think anybody would have got it. If you are a mycologist and know that genus of fungi and come up with a joke that makes this comic strip more appealing to other mycologists, I encourage you to reach out on Twitter. I will edit this comic to include your joke, free of charge and send it to you, so you mycologists can pass it around as your special in-joke comic.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
The beautiful parrot is doing a video for their social media. In front of them is an ominous box.
BP: Hi there, my awesome followers! Today I have another unboxing video for you! I’m going to be unboxing Pandora’s box! That’s right! Remember to like, subscribe and follow me on Instabird! OMG xoxox!
Panel 2:
BP: Well then, let’s see what’s in here. I’ve been told not to open it, because it might contain many evils that could be released into the world but it can’t hurt to have a cute little peek, could it?
Panel 3:
The box is open.
BP: Ewww, that’s mouldy feta cheese! Now there’s spores everywhere! CUT! Who the hell ... what .... I said I wanted a video on Greek mythology not Greek mycology.