Let's go on a trippy, mathematical, dream journey!

Close your eyes! Oh wait, I do see the problem with that now. I guess you'll need to have someone read it to you, if you want to experience this yourself. You could also make someone else's day a bit better by reading it to them. Make sure it's someone who will appreciate it, though (not everybody does, I'm sure). Anyways, here we go:

Close your eyes! Imagine yourself as a point in ℝ³! Your body, your thoughts, your feelings and your problems, all gone; replaced with just three coordinates. With delight you feel these coordinates to be 0, 0 and 0. Here in your mind, you are the origin, the centre point of all that exists. And currently, nothing exists, but the blackness of theoretical space. Let's change that. Just like that, every point with only integer coordinates lights up around you, like stars in the night sky. You feast on the regularity of this grid that has manifested, as you instinctively imagine perspective projections of it, dwelling in the beautiful moiré patterns that immerge. Suddenly, a sphere, the purest of all shapes, divides the space into its inside and its outside. You want to count all points that are both inside the sphere, and on a ray defined by you, the origin and coincidentally also the origin of the sphere, and one of the base vectors. The sphere is quite big, so it seems like a lot of work, but then you realize: This is your mind and you make the rules, so you simply count n points. Delighted about the ease of observing the general case, you decide to count all points inside the sphere and count m points. You realize that an old friend is close, so you divide m by n³ and multiply the result by 3/4 and immediately find something that looks very similar to the lovely π. Only the finite nature of the sphere keeps you apart, so you send its radius off to infinity and can now embrace your irrational friend. You caress it's infinite, yet never repeating digits. 3.141592653589 ... and you imagine what it's like to descend its fractional expansion into infinity. Oh π, you want to make it your base, you want this space to be mapped with polar coordinates from now on! You want to ...

... Woops. Ahhm, wow, that got a bit ... sensual ... in the end. Sorry about that.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
G and H are sitting together.
G: I noticed that you look kinda stressed recently.
H: Yeah, it’s this damn math exam.
G: Let’s try something. Close your eyes!
Panel 2:
H closes their eyes.
G: We’re going on a dream journey. You feel a slight breeze caress you, as lush, green tufts grow all around you.
Grass grows around H as they feel the wind in their face.
Panel 3:
G: The sun warms you as you gaze upon the wonderful grassy field ...
H feels the warmth of the sun.
Panel 4:
H suddenly jumps in shock.
H: Field? Is the set of all grass tufts a field? What is the multiplicative inverse of grass? Does commutativity actually hold? What were the other axioms again? Was there one with a lawnmower?
G: Whoops.