Sorry if you know this one already

This is a comic from the old "Geier" times. Its one of the very few that remain. But yeah, sorry if you're one of those old people that remember.

Anyways, I don't know if some people might not get it, because I don't know how common this thing is, especially in other countries. Here in Germany, there are quite a few regional trains that separate and go different ways, so you have to make sure you're in the right part of the train. This comic makes fun of that. If you needed this explanation, you're probably still not laughing. That's because jokes that need to be explained aren't funny. Sorry for wasting your time, but at least you have some closure now.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
G: Good thing we found these free seats at the front of the plane. The ones at the back were so unpleasant.
Panel 2:
There is an announcement: Dear passengers, this flight will now be split. The back of the plane continues to Hawaii, the front will now land in the arctic.
Panel 3:
The plane separates with a "fwmp"-noise