Did you notice? When you access bird.lol, there is no cookie policy or privacy settings annoying you, before you can enjoy the comic of the week. How did I manage to bring you this outstandingly pleasurable experience, you ask? Well, it's kind of a secret, so don't tell anyone, but I found a loophole in the regulation. Turns out, you don't need all that stuff if you simply don't install any cookies and don't try to harvest your visitor's data. Capitalists hate this trick!
Comic transcript
Panel 1:
H is in their kitchen, baking cookies.
H: sigh Here I am. Baking Christmas cookies alone. Just because I’m the only person still celebrating Christmas. Stupid Smartmas. Are Smartmas cookies even a thing?
Panel 2:
G is in their kitchen, baking a lot more cookies. A scary looking Smartmas™-tree is behind them.
Tree: Smartmas™-tree reminds you that you are contractually obliged to have 20 Kg of Smartmas™ cookies ready for SantaCloud™ before 10 pm on Smartmas™.
Panel 3:
G: Awww, man. I really shouldn’t have accepted the SantaCloud™ cookie policy.