What is the right moment to start dying?

I mean, we all have to die eventually. Everyone knows that. Still, we don't like to think about it very much. However, there will likely be this moment where our death will be so close that we simply have to face it.

Sure, you might be in an accident where you die so suddenly you don't have much time to think about it or you might die in your sleep or during anesthesia. Many people probably died without ever thinking about it. But it's not like you can count on that, and it's probably not your plan anyways. So it's probably more likely that you'll spend your last moments lying there, waiting for it. What will you think about in that moment?

Sure, I know, you don't want to think about that now. And I'm not forcing you. Feel free to stop reading ad go about your day. But in case you're the more adventurous thinker: Isn't that such a fascinating thing to think about? That old person in a hospital bed that you're imagining right now ... is you! And what you'll be thinking about is largely dependent on what you are doing right now. You wouldn't want those memories to cause feelings of regret, right?

So why not start this inevitable thought process right now? You don't need to wait until you're old and sick. Why not think about the memories you'll want to have in that moment? Why not make sure you actually have them, while you still can? Only by facing your own death will you understand what an incredible gift it is to live.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
An old version of G is lying in a hospital bed
G: Oh, I remember that time back in University
Panel 2:
Flashback: G and H (as young people) are sitting at their usual desk.
G: I just had the sudden realization that everything we do now may be a memory we could recall when we’re facing our death and have nothing left but memories.
Panel 3:
Back in the hospital, a doctor (duck) is visiting G.
D: And how are we feeling today?
G: I don’t know, kinda ... meta?
D: Ah, looks like your IV got switched up. You got Meta-nol, haha, whoopsi.
G: Did you turn the lights off?