
Some people have strong feelings about it. Some hate it with passion, some think it's the best thing to ever happen to humanity. Most people probably don't think about it that much, but get angry when it screws them over. Being angry at large corporations has become very common place. Reading the comic probably made you feel a certain way as well.

But here's the thing: capitalism does not have feelings for you. Capitalism doesn't care about you in the same way that the storm doesn't care if it takes your house down, or the sun doesn't care if you put up solar panels. You can have feelings towards the storm and the sun, but you probably shouldn't go out of your way to act on those feelings. Sending a rocket ship with a gift basket into the sun to show your gratitude isn't going to help anybody.

If you're a left-leaning person, I can hear you already screaming through the screen, back in time to where I'm writing this. You think that capitalism can be stopped. If only people realized that this way of living is not sustainable, they might embrace more alternative ways to approach society. And you'd be partially right that the way we treat the resources of our planet and the way we treat each other needs to change. But you are underestimating how fundamental capitalism is. No one suggests to end climate change by just convincing the CO2 to leave the atmosphere. That would be against the laws of physics. Capitalism might well be like one of those.

Capitalism is an algorithm. It is the simple concept of assigning a subjective value to every object or action and a way for multiple actors to agree on this value. It requires is a currency, and a way to establish trust in the stability of this currency. That's it. I'd claim that whenever these conditions are met, capitalism emerges. And is it really realistic to give any of them up, when you have to interact with other actors that you cannot immediately trust?

That's the main point. Capitalism allows us to take trust out of the equation. It doesn't matter if you trust the person you sell your old phone to, if they hand you the cash immediately. You do not need to worry about getting something in return for giving away your phone, because all you need to put trust in is the stability of the currency you received for it, which is much easier to do. Any society that prides itself in being anti-capitalist is based on the members of that society trusting each other. That is the part that simply does scale well enough, when the amount of actors with different needs, interests, world views, religions grows. Currently, capitalism is the only algorithm that scales well enough to cope with all humans on this entire planet. Capitalism is not the problem.

If capitalism is just a simple algorithm, why have a character to represent it then? Well, because the Magpiecoon does not represent capitalism. It represents something fuzzier, more difficult to define. In a way, I created the character *to* define it.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
H is lying on a beanbag, G is talking to them.
G: Hey, how’s it going? Wanna go to the park? Play some ball games? Or how about cycling to the lake ...
H: I don’t know ... I’m so tired from work ...
Panel 2:
The Magpiecoon appears.
M: Yeees, that’s right. You want to order some nice food, play a movie from a paid streaming service on your big TV an use your new tablet to do some online shopping. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Panel 3:
H is angrily trying to climb out of the beanbag.
H: No! That’s not what I want! I mean, I do want that, but that’s not what I want to want.
G: Whoa, who are you talking to? There’s no one there.