Are you afraid of demons?

Don't be. I know, there's scary stories where they come from portals to the underground, make whole mess of the place and finally get stopped by a dude with a salt shaker. Or something like that, I don't know. But those are not the demons I'm talking about.

I'm certain everyone has demons. They're parts of the soul that split from the self and assume their own personality. They can develop their own aspirations and may try to fight for them. A natural reaction is to try to suppress them, which leaves them with little power to express their demands. But during silent times, lonely nights, and moments of weakness, they often manage to break through. They bring unpleasant feelings, confusing thoughts and painful questions. That's probably the reason people don't like them too much.

Some are so afraid of them that they avoid them at all cost. They work themselves to the ground, always moving, always tired, because whenever there is a spark of undirected energy in them, that might get taken over by the demons. Others fight them, spending sleepless nights in agony as the demons try to pull them apart. But they cling to whatever it is that gives them hope to remain vigilant and get up the next day and go to work as if nothing happened.

I consider neither of these good solutions. I'd rather befriend them. My demons are parts of myself, even if I don't like what they represent. I don't have to give in to their demands to treat them with respect. I'm the leader of my soul and as a leader, you can't fulfill everyone's wishes. But that's not required to be a good leader; assuming responsibility for everyone and treating them with respect, is.

You may still have reservations. It may seem immoral to befriend a demon that wants you to act in ways that contradict whatever you decided to be moral behavior. But you do not need to compromise your morality in any way to have a respectful exchange with your demons, in the same way you can have a respectful exchange with another person who holds different values. That in itself is not dangerous. They're just thoughts, after all. Your thoughts cannot hurt anyone and should not be judged by anyone either. If anyone ever tells you that having certain thoughts is an immoral act, they are probably trying to control you in ways that I would consider abusive.

I encourage you to try it out. Take a quiet moment to sit down with your demons and have a respectful conversation. Listen to what it is they want. If that is something you cannot fulfill, explain to them why. If you do a good job, they will understand. Don't expect them to leave. They will never leave you, they're a part of you after all. But if you actually care about them, they might not bother you as much.

At some point, you might actually like them.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
H is sitting at their desk at work. The Magpiecoon is with them.
M: So, how long do you want to keep sleeping in the office? You need your own place. Your old flat was small anyways. Get something nicer! Maybe with a pool, or ...
H: crying GO AWAY!
Panel 2:
M: Do not talk to me like that young bird! I helped you get this job. If it weren’t for that, ...
H: Don’t you dare take credit for that! It’s MY hard work that got me here!
Panel 3:
M: In a sense, yes. But just in the same sense, it was you who lit those fireworks.
H: No it wasn’t. It was you! Don’t gaslight me!
M: sad How would I have done that? I don’t even exist!
H: YES YOU ... wait ... you don’t?
Panel 4:
The Magpiecoon is gone.
H: Ahhhm. Hello?
H: Magpiecoon?
H: I think I get it ...
Panel 5:
H: What does it matter if you exist? You represent a part of my soul that I have neglected. I have been so focused on how much I grieved my broken dreams and hated capitalism and I projected all of that onto you. Yet, you’re just as much a part of me as my right foot. I’m sorry. Let’s start over.
Panel 6:
The Magpiecoon reappears.
M I’m so glad we finally get to work on our relationship. But before we start, could you ... please ... just ... spend some money?
H: During that monologue I ordered some takeout.
M: happy Beautiful multitasking!