The pursuit of happiness

In the current time, probably more than ever, people tend to pursue happiness. A good way to achieve happiness, according to happiness research, is focusing on the present and practicing gratefulness. If you are focusing on the present, you are not worrying about the future and if you are grateful for what you have, you don't yearn for the things you don't have.

But if that is the case, why do we worry about the future? Why are we so often not content with what we have? Well, because we are not designed to be happy. Humans have achieved most of their progress because someone was not happy with the status quo. Switching from happy to unhappy and back to happy again is the engine that keeps our species going. It's the carrot on a stick that evolution keeps dangling in front of our faces, allowing us to take a bite occasionally, just so we want to pursue it even more.

So, does it even make sense to pursue happiness? I'd say, it makes no sense at all, but it is also impossible not to. After all, it is how our minds work. We can choose which goal we want to pursue, but then it's happiness we feel when we make progress toward that goal and it's that happiness we seek when we push through the obstacles in our way to finally achieve it. That's what I mean when I say it's the engine. And the good part is that we're in the driver seat. We get to choose our destination.

So why am I saying it makes no sense to pursue happiness? Because I feel like many people these days pursue happiness as their destination. It's why so many books, videos, podcasts and whatnot exist that try to sell people a formula for being happy. People ask themselves: "How can I be happy?" and don't realize what a nonsensical question that is. It's like trying to drive your car to your car. It makes no sense.

So the bad news is: You will not achieve eternal happiness. The regular ups and downs of life are just what you're gonna get, no matter where you're going. But to keep the happiness engine running, you have to go somewhere. And where to go is entirely up to you.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
H is in their office, talking to the Magpiecoon.
H: ... and then I said: “what’s the point if you don’t even buy it?”
M: Hah! Beautiful!
H: By the way, we’re looking at the new apartment this evening.
Panel 2:
They are now in the new apartment. It is empty, except for a bucket with a mob.
H: ... and this is the living room. Isn’t it great? I can finally stop sleeping in the office. Maybe I could even ...
Panel 3:
The Magpiecoon has backed H into a corner, angrily shouting at them. The bucket with the mob got knocked over.
M: Are you insane??? This isn’t a living room, this is a broom closet. This place is a prison cell. Where is the pool?! You can do better than this!!!