Where am I?

People are speaking all kinds of different languages and dress in all kinds of different clothes. People drink coffee and eat some kind of meat stuffed bread, as well as ice cream. Everyone is constantly on their phone. There's one big and fascinating building and nearly every shop around it sells a miniature replica of this building, along with postcards of terrible stock photographs and socks, shirts, jackets and fridge magnets with stupid jokes on them. The supermarkets sell the same stuff we have at home.

I am at a loss. I can't figure out where I am. Ah well, doesn't matter, really.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
H is on a video call with G.
H: Hey, how are you? How’s your vacation going so far?
G: Well, it’s ... fine, I guess ...
Panel 2:
G is in a hotel room.
G: It’s been raining outside since I arrived, so I had a pizza for lunch and now I’m chilling in the hotel room, browsing the internet. Later, I might watch a movie.
Panel 3:
H: Wow, sounds like it really paid off to fly 12 hours to ... uhh ... where did you go again?
G: You know, ... I don’t think I remember either.