All actions have consequences

anything that happens triggers a chain of causality. The effects of our actions travel through the universe, like ripples on a pond, at the speed of light. You can't just observe it, for the act of observing is also an action that has its own consequences. No matter what we do, we're forced to act on the universe and cause ripples that will persist for eternity.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
Parrot is reflecting.
P: Damn, maybe Chicken is right. I still have feelings for that beautiful parrot. But I still think it’s not going to work. Also, they’re with Rasta-Pigeon now. I bet the two of them have an amazing time together.
Panel 2:
The beautiful parrot and Rasta-Pigeon are being confronted by the tits.
T: Well, well, well, looks like we caught a rat!
RP: Wait! Rat? What are you talking about?!
Panel 3:
More tits appear that are attacking them and pulling bags over their heads.
RP: Ouch! What are you doing? Not cool!
BP: Hrrrmpf!
Panel 4:
T (leader): Well done, recruits! If you continue this good work, you might get to be in the coat some day.