Treat others with respect!

Don't send unsolicited dig pigs. I know, it might sometimes be tempting, but think about how it feels to receive one. Yes, I know, some people might actually want to receive dig pigs, but you should make sure by asking them beforehand. If they say no, respect that. There might be some collectors, but most people probably don't appreciate dig pigs. I mean, they're kinda useless after all. What are you gonna do with them? Look at them, and then what? There's so many better options for presents. For example, you might consider sending them a photograph of your genitals. You can never go wrong with that!

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
The beautiful parrot is doing another unboxing video.
BP: I swear, if this is BLT bubble gum again, I’ll throw up ... are we rolling? ... Heyyy, followers! You know the drill, Smartmas™ present unboxing time! I’m so excited, as always! Let’s see ...
Panel 2:
The present reveals a statue of a pig with a shovel.
BP: Awww, how cute! It’s ... uhhh, a little statue of a pig with a shovel. That ... how original, ... I mean, that certainly wasn’t on my wish list. ... Thank you?
Panel 3:
After the video, the beautiful parrot is talking to Rasta-Pigeon, holding the strange staue.
BP: I don’t even ... I mean ... does this mean anything to you?
RP: What’s not to get? It’s an unsolicited dig pig.
BP: Kill me.