Happy New Year 2024!

I hope you had a better start than our two protagonists. Always be careful around fireworks!

I'm not going to write a long blog post today. I wish you all a successful year and thank you so much for reading my comics.

Comic transcript

Panel 1:
Magpiecoon is lighting the fuse on a huge pile of fireworks. H is watching them, looking smug.
M: I’m glad you finally accepted to burn half your monthly salery within a few minutes to celebrate the new year and emit more greenhouse gasses than a long car ride. This is going to be so much fun ...
Panel 2:
H: HA! I tricked you. Since you are only imaginary, those fireworks are as well. We’re even in my living room still.
Panel 3:
M: You think you can outsmart me? ME? Those fireworks are real and you just lit them in your living room. Enjoy.
Fireworks start going off in the background
Panel 4:
The room is on fire as fireworks are still going off. G is frantically trying to drag H away.
G: What have you done??? Are you crazy?!
G: cough
G: We need to get out of here! Now!!!